Daily Bulletin - Thursday, May 02, 2024

Today the Middle School Softball and Baseball teams will host Penquis at 4:00 pm.
On Friday, May 3rd the Middle School Softball and Baseball teams will travel to Medway for a game at 4:00. Please dismiss students at 1:00 - The bus will leave at 1:15.
On Friday, May 3rd the Varsity Softball team will host Temple Academy at 4:00 pm. And the Track team will travel to FA for a meet at 3:30. Please dismiss students at 1:30. The van will leave at 1:45.
Attention High School Students: If you would like community service hours, the Foxcroft Academy Athletic Director is looking for workers at the track meets that they are hosting on May 3rd and May 9th. Please see Josh Guay for more details.

Summer Driver Education Announcement: There will be two sessions. Students must be 15 years old by the first class. If you are turning 15 in June or July and want to register. Please let Mrs. Breton in the Adult Education Office know when your birthday is so scheduling can accommodate you if possible.
Today from 2:30 to 4:00 pm there is girls Rec Softball for Grades 3 through 6 including 2nd grade.
There is Coach Pitch on Friday, May 3rd from 2:30 to 3:45 pm.
T-ball will start on Tuesday, May 7th from 2:30 to 3:30pm
The Prom is Saturday, May 11th. If you would like tickets or information about the Prom, please see the Junior Class. The cost is $25 for a single and $40 for a couple.
Attention High School Students: The Greenville Rec Department is looking for two Lifeguards this summer. You must be 15 years of age and pass a lifeguard course. If you are interested, please stop by the main office or contact Sally T.
Attention High School Students: The Mountain Village Golf Course is looking for a full time lawn maintenance person. If you are interested, please stop by the main office or contact Sally T.
Attention all students age 14 to 17 - Are you interested in a 14-day, 100 Mile Wilderness Adventure this summer? The lodging, meals, guides, and gear rentals are all paid for through a generous grant from the Maine Department of Education. This is a $4000.00 adventure of a lifetime, offered free of charge through the Appalachian Mountain Club. If you are interested, please contact the Main Office and we will get you in contact with Stephany Perkins.
Attention all students age 13-17 - Are you interested in paddling the Penobscot River this summer on a 5-day canoe trip just for teens? Don't miss out on this adventure of a lifetime, the offered is free of charge through the Appalachian Mountain Club. If you are interested, please contact the Main Office immediately and we will get you in contact with Stephany Perkins.

Attention all High School students: Are you in need of 4 hours of community service? If so, please see Officer Guay for a permission slip to help with the Sticker Shock Community Awareness on May 10th.

"Attention all 8th graders and High School students- you will have a mandatory meeting during intervention on May 8th in the auditorium to discuss some important information for the upcoming job fair. Please report promptly to your homeroom for attendance purposes and you will be called down over the intercom."
"Attention all 8th graders and High School students. May 14th, we will have a job fair in our gymnasium, starting at 1:45pm which you will attend. Senior's will not be able to utilize their sign out privileges on this day, as this is a wonderful opportunity we would like you to attend."